Learning that Magneto plans to use a machine to "mutate" world leaders meeting at a summit on nearby Ellis Island, Logan and the other X-Men scale the Statue of Liberty, battling and overpowering the Brotherhood of Mutants, with Logan throwing Sabretooth off of the building into the ocean. Before they can leave, Magneto arrives, knocks out Logan and subdues Rogue, revealing it was Rogue who he wants rather than Logan.

Disturbed by this event, Rogue leaves the school, and Logan finds her on a train and convinces her to return. Startled, he accidentally stabs her, but she is able to absorb his healing ability to recover. Rogue enrolls in the school, and visits Logan while he is having a nightmare. Xavier tells Logan that Magneto appears to have taken an interest in him and asks him to stay while Xavier's mutants, the X-Men, investigate. Logan and Rogue are brought to Xavier's mansion and school for mutants in Westchester County, New York. Two of Xavier's students – Cyclops and Storm – arrive and save them. They are attacked on the road by Victor Creed, now known as Sabretooth and a minion of Magneto. There Logan meets Marie "Rogue" D'Ancanto, a mutant teenage girl who has run away from home. Years later, in the early 2000s, Logan is an amateur cage fighter in Laughlin City, Alberta. Though he survives, his memory is lost, with his only identifying personal effects being his dog tags.įurther information: X-Men (film), X2 (film), and X-Men: The Last Stand Taking the name "Wolverine" after the Algonquian spirit Kuekuatsheu, Howlett works together with Creed to fight and kill Weapon XI, after which Stryker shoots Howlett in the brain with adamantium bullets before being arrested. However, Howlett's past catches up to him in Canada where he is living under the name "Logan", despite his relationship with Kayla Silverfox, with both the Weapon X project in which he's pitted against Stryker and Creed in 1979, having adamantium grafted to his bones.

Howlett instead tells Xavier and Lehnsherr to "Go fuck yoursel". In 1962, Howlett is approached by Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, who are recruiting mutants. Further information: X-Men Origins: Wolverineĭuring the Vietnam War, he's briefly a member of a black-ops strike team "Team X", led by Colonel William Stryker, after he protects Victor for killing a superior officer who had tried to stop him killing a villager, before leaving due to the group's disregard for life.